About evidence file

In order to facilitate access to certain information concerning a signature, particularly in the first instance in case of a dispute or for administrative purposes, Universign provides its users with an evidence file (requester copy) in PDF format, listing the essential information concerning the transaction. This information includes the transaction creator, all participants in the transaction, the transaction documents and the timeline of all actions performed or triggered from the creation of the transaction to its completion.

Information about the transaction

This section of the evidence file (requester copy) lists information about the transaction, such as:

  • the transaction ID,
  • the transaction name,
  • the language of the transaction,
  • the date and time the transaction was sent,
  • the date and time the transaction was completed.


Information about the transaction creator

This section of the evidence file (requester copy) lists information about the transaction creator, such as:

  • the workspace name,
  • the issuing entity name,
  • the email of the workspace member who created the transaction,
  • the full name of the transaction creator,
  • the ID and name of the API key used to create the transaction (only if the transaction was created by API).


Information about the documents

This section of the evidence file (requester copy) lists information about the transaction documents, such as:

  • the original document hash,
  • the signed document hash,
  • the document ID and name,
  • the date and time every participant has signed the document,
  • the date and time the document was extended.


Information about the participants

This section of the evidence file (requester copy) lists information about the participants, such as:

  • the email address,
  • the full name,
  • the performed actions,
  • the required signature level,
  • the effective signature level.


The transaction details

This section of the evidence file (requester copy) lists the timeline of all events and actions performed or triggered from the creation of the transaction to its completion, the date and time every action was performed as well as the participant who performed it. Transaction details may include:

  • the transaction creation,
  • the addition or deletion of a field,
  • the access to the signature page,
  • the sending of an invitation message or a reminder,
  • the signature authentication by a participant,
  • the transaction completion,
  • the provision of signed documents.



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