Accepted identity documents

To perfom advanced or qualified signatures, a signer has to own certificates. The certificate depends on the level of signature requested among:

  • Advanced signature (lcp),
  • Advanced signature with qualified certificate (qcp),
  • Qualified signature (QCP-n-qscd).

For advanced signatures (lcp), a standard identity verification is required.

For advanced signatures with qualified certificate (qcp) and qualified signatures (QCP-n-qscd), an identity verification and a proof of life via PVID process are required.

For each use case, find below the list of identity documents accepted.

List of accepted ID documents for LCP certificates issuance

The issuance of LCP certificates implies an identity verification which process is managed by Universign. As a trust service provider, we are responsible for ensuring guarantees about the verified identity.

Currently, our scope of ID verification comprises of European countries and some exceptions in other world regions.

Issuing country Country code Document type
Iceland ISL Passport
Lebanon LBN Passport
Liechtenstein LIE Passport
Madagascar MDG Passport
Morocco MAR Passport
Monaco MCO Passport
Monaco MCO Identity Card
Senegal SEN Passport
Switzerland CHE Passport
United_Kingdom UK Passport
United_States USA Passport

Note that for all European Union countries, all passports and Identity Cards are accepted.

Note that all French residence permits issued since 2011 are accepted.

List of accepted ID documents for QCP and QCP-n-qscd certificates issuance

Unlike the LCP certificates, the issuance of QCP and QCP-n-qscd certificates, requires an identity verification process based on a PVID solution. The PVID referral is a regulated framework certified by the ANSSI and its rules are specific to it.

According to the PVID framework, eligible ID documents are those established according to the model provided for by Regulation (EU) No 2017/1954 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2017 establishing a uniform format for residence permits for third-country nationals, issued by the State of residence.

Issuing country Country code Document type First issuance date
Albania ALB Passport 01/05/2009
Andorra AND Passport 01/01/2017
Australia AUS Passport 01/05/2009
Austria AUT Identity Card 03/05/2010
Austria AUT Identity Card 02/08/2021
Austria AUT Passport 16/06/2006
Bulgaria BGR Identity Card 29/03/2010
Bulgaria BGR Passport 29/03/2010
Canada CAN Passport 01/01/2013
China CHN Passport 05/02/2007
China CHN Passport 01/05/2019
China CHN Passport 05/03/2009
Colombia COL Passport 16/07/2018
Colombia COL Passport 01/05/2010
Croatia HRV Identity Card 01/01/2003
Croatia HRV Identity Card 10/06/2013
Croatia HRV Identity Card 02/08/2021
Croatia HRV Passport 29/06/2009
Croatia HRV Residence Permit 01/01/2021
Cyprus CYP Identity Card 24/02/2015
Cyprus CYP Identity Card 01/01/2008
Cyprus CYP Identity Card 12/08/2020
Cyprus CYP Passport 29/11/2010
Cyprus CYP Residence Permit 05/09/2020
Czech_Republic CZE Identity Card 01/01/2012
Czech_Republic CZE Passport 24/07/2006
Czech_Republic CZE Residence Permit 29/06/2020
Denmark DNK Passport 01/08/2006
Denmark DNK Passport 01/10/2021
Estonia EST Identity Card 01/01/2011
Estonia EST Identity Card 03/12/2018
Estonia EST Identity Card 23/08/2021
Estonia EST Passport 22/05/2007
Estonia EST Passport 01/03/2014
Estonia EST Passport 01/01/2021
Estonia EST Residence Permit 01/10/2020
Finland FIN Identity Card 31/05/2011
Finland FIN Identity Card 01/01/2017
Finland FIN Identity Card 02/08/2021
Finland FIN Identity Card 01/01/2017
Finland FIN Passport 01/01/2017
Finland FIN Passport 21/08/2012
Finland FIN Residence Permit 25/09/2020
France FRA Identity Card 01/05/2001
France FRA Identity Card 01/04/1987
France FRA Identity Card 01/10/1994
France FRA Identity Card 01/11/2016
France FRA Identity Card 15/03/2021
France FRA Passport 28/10/2008
France FRA Residence Permit 01/11/2020
Germany DEU Identity Card 01/11/2010
Germany DEU Identity Card 01/11/2010
Germany DEU Identity Card 02/08/2021
Germany DEU Passport 01/11/2007
Germany DEU Passport 01/03/2017
Germany DEU Passport 01/03/2017
Germany DEU Residence Permit 01/11/2019
Greece GRC Passport 01/01/2006
Greece GRC Passport 27/08/2011
Greece GRC Passport 01/09/2022
Honduras HND Passport 26/02/2013
Hungary HUN Identity Card 01/01/2016
Hungary HUN Identity Card 01/03/2012
Hungary HUN Identity Card 01/01/2016
Iceland ISL Passport 23/05/2006
Iceland ISL Passport 01/02/2019
Ireland IRL Passport 03/05/2013
Israel ISR Passport 02/01/2012
Italy ITA Identity Card 04/07/2016
Italy ITA Passport 20/05/2010
Italy ITA Residence Permit 03/02/2021
Japan JPN Passport 31/08/2013
Latvia LVA Identity Card 01/04/2012
Latvia LVA Identity Card 02/09/2019
Latvia LVA Passport 01/07/2002
Latvia LVA Passport 20/11/2007
Latvia LVA Passport 28/01/2015
Latvia LVA Residence Permit 13/01/2021
Liechtenstein LIE Identity Card 23/06/2009
Liechtenstein LIE Passport 26/10/2006
Lithuania LTU Identity Card 01/01/2009
Lithuania LTU Passport 02/01/2008
Lithuania LTU Passport 20/05/2019
Luxembourg LUX Identity Card 21/03/2013
Luxembourg LUX Identity Card 01/09/2014
Luxembourg LUX Identity Card 02/08/2021
Luxembourg LUX Passport 01/08/2006
Luxembourg LUX Passport 16/02/2015
Luxembourg LUX Residence Permit 15/12/2020
Malaysia MYS Passport 02/10/2017
Malaysia MYS Passport 01/02/2010
Malta MLT Identity Card 12/02/2014
Malta MLT Passport 29/09/2008
Mexico MEX Passport 27/08/2012
Mexico MEX Passport 01/10/2015
Moldova MDA Passport 01/08/2014
Moldova MDA Passport 05/02/2018
Monaco MCO Passport 20/01/2021
Monaco MCO Passport 26/10/2005
Monaco MCO Passport 26/10/2005
Montenegro MNE Passport 05/05/2008
Netherlands NLD Identity Card 09/03/2014
Netherlands NLD Identity Card 02/08/2021
Netherlands NLD Passport 09/10/2011
Netherlands NLD Passport 09/03/2014
Netherlands NLD Passport 09/03/2014
Netherlands NLD Passport 09/10/2011
Netherlands NLD Residence Permit 01/10/2020
Netherlands NLD Residence Permit 01/10/2020
North_Macedonia MKD Passport 04/02/2007
Norway NOR Residence Permit 18/09/2020
Panama PAN Passport 01/01/2014
Poland POL Identity Card 15/01/2001
Poland POL Identity Car 01/03/2015
Poland POL Identity Card 04/03/2019
Poland POL Identity Card 04/03/2019
Poland POL Identity Card 08/11/2021
Poland POL Passport 01/01/2006
Poland POL Passport 05/11/2018
Poland POL Passport 01/01/2006
Poland POL Residence Permit 30/09/2020
Portugal PRT Identity Card 01/09/2008
Portugal PRT Passport 28/08/2006
Portugal PRT Passport 10/07/2017
Portugal PRT Residence Permit 30/09/2020
Romania ROU Identity Card 01/01/2001
Romania ROU Passport 01/01/2019
Serbia SRB Passport 01/04/2008
Seychelles SYC Passport 13/08/2004
Singapore SGP Passport 30/10/2017
Slovakia SVK Identity Card 30/11/2013
Slovakia SVK Identity Card 01/12/2022
Slovakia SVK Passport 15/01/2008
Slovakia SVK Residence Permit 21/08/2020
Slovenia SVN Identity Card 20/06/1998
Slovenia SVN Passport 28/08/2006
South_Korea KOR Passport 25/08/2008
Spain ESP Identity Card 01/06/2006
Spain ESP Identity Card 01/01/2015
Spain ESP Identity Card 02/06/2021
Spain ESP Passport 10/08/2006
Spain ESP Passport 01/09/2008
Spain ESP Passport 02/01/2015
Spain ESP Residence Permit 19/05/2020
Sweden SWE Identity Card 02/01/2012
Sweden SWE Identity Card 03/01/2022
Sweden SWE Identity Card 02/08/2021
Sweden SWE Passport 01/01/2012
Sweden SWE Passport 03/01/2022
Sweden SWE Residence Permit 03/01/2022
Switzerland CHE Identity Card 01/01/2003
Switzerland CHE Identity Card 03/03/2023
Switzerland CHE Passport 01/03/2010
Switzerland CHE Passport 31/10/2022
Taiwan TWN Passport 25/12/2017
United_Arab_Emirates ARE Passport 01/01/2011
United_Kingdom GBR Passport 05/10/2010
United_Kingdom GBR Passport 07/12/2015
United_Kingdom GBR Passport 01/03/2020
United_States USA Passport 30/12/2005
United_States USA Passport 24/03/2021
Uruguay URY Passport 01/06/2014
Venezuela VEN Passport 01/01/2007

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