Add initials fields

Initials fields is the object that bears the field containing the initials of all participants of a transaction document.

You can request initials fields only once per document.

Note that initials fields are added to all pages of the document.

For more details about other field types, visit Add a signature/visa field, Add a label field, Add a text field, Add checkbox fields, Add radio button fields and Add dropdown list fields.

Note that only signature and visa fields are set by default on your workspace. Before you can add other field types, ensure with us that their respective features are activated in your account.

Add initial fields

To create initials fields, send a request to POST /v1/transactions/{transaction_id}/documents/{document_id}/initials-fields and pass the vertical position in the y argument. You can optionally set the alignment argument:

curl \
-d y=200 \
-d alignment=center \
  • y: The field vertical coordinate on the document pages (expressed in the PDF’s default user space units). The origin point is the bottom left hand corner of the displayed page (i.e the PDF’s cropbox).
  • alignment: The alignment of the initials fields content. Possible values are left, center or right. Default vlaue is right.

The API response returns a field sub-object with the list of initials fields added to all document pages.

[ {
  "id" : "fld_kVlx",
  "position" : {
    "page" : 1,
    "x" : 0,
    "y" : 200,
    "width" : 595,
    "height" : 19
  "type" : "initials",
  "built_in" : false,
  "updatable" : true,
  "deletable" : true,
  "font_size" : 12,
  "alignment" : "center"
}, {
  "id" : "fld_xrA",
  "position" : {
    "page" : 4,
    "x" : 0,
    "y" : 200,
    "width" : 595,
    "height" : 19
  "type" : "initials",
  "built_in" : false,
  "updatable" : true,
  "deletable" : true,
  "font_size" : 12,
  "alignment" : "center"
}, {
  "id" : "fld_rDL7",
  "position" : {
    "page" : 5,
    "x" : 0,
    "y" : 200,
    "width" : 595,
    "height" : 19
  "type" : "initials",
  "built_in" : false,
  "updatable" : true,
  "deletable" : true,
  "font_size" : 12,
  "alignment" : "center"
}, {
  "id" : "fld_9lGa",
  "position" : {
    "page" : 2,
    "x" : 0,
    "y" : 200,
    "width" : 595,
    "height" : 19
  "type" : "initials",
  "built_in" : false,
  "updatable" : true,
  "deletable" : true,
  "font_size" : 12,
  "alignment" : "center"
}, {
  "id" : "fld_ZDDX",
  "position" : {
    "page" : 3,
    "x" : 0,
    "y" : 200,
    "width" : 595,
    "height" : 19
  "type" : "initials",
  "built_in" : false,
  "updatable" : true,
  "deletable" : true,
  "font_size" : 12,
  "alignment" : "center"
} ]

Add a label field
Add checkbox fields
Developer tools
API reference