Request a seal

In addition to the use of seals in a transaction, we offer a standalone seal service.

Before you can request a document to be sealed, you need to:

  1. Own a Certificate for Legal Person (CPM).
  2. Make sure the feature is activated on your account.

To request a CPM creation and/or activate the feature on your account, contact your account manager at Universign.

Note that when you use the standalone seal service, sealed documents are not stored. Documents are only stored when you seal a document within the transaction process.

To seal a document, send a multipart/form-data request to POST /v1/seals and pass the document in the file argument as well as the seal id.

Note that we accept only PDF input format in a maximum size limit of 25MB.

curl \
-F file=@MyDocument.pdf \
-d seal_id=scd_wa7ZVZGxz0q1

You can pass optional parameters:

  • field_page: The page number on which you want to position the seal. Default value is 1.
  • field_x: The seal horizontal coordinate on the document page (in pixels). Default value is 0.
  • field_y: The seal vertical coordinate on the document page (in pixels). Default value is 0.
  • language: The language of the text in the seal cartridge (“Sealed by [sealname], on [sealdate]”). Expected input format is ISO 639-1. We currently support 11 languages: Bulgarian (bg), Catalan (ca), Dutch (nl), English (en), French (fr), German (de), Italian (it), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Romanian (ro) and Spanish (es). French (fr) is the default language.
  • custom_logo : The seal logo that will display on the document. We accept only JPEG and PNG formats in a maximum size limit of 2 MB.

Note: To guarantee high quality resolution, your logo dimensions should be 300px x 72px.

Note that the size of the seal is set to 200px x 50px and cannot be edited. Make sure the seal is well positioned in the document. If any edge of the seal exceeds the document limit, the API returns an error.

If you set only required parameters or if you do not set field_page, field_x and field_y parameters, the request returns a 200 response that contains a PAdES document seal with an invisible seal.

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