About transaction templates

Templates allow you to create transactions from a template that is preconfigured in advance. Template parameters automatically apply to all transactions created from it.

A template can bear 2 states:

  • draft: the template is not yet published. It can be edited but not used to create a transaction.
  • published: the template can be used to create a transaction.

A template contains at least:

  • a document or a specimen,
  • a field,
  • a participant.

A specimen is a temporary document added to the template by its creator. The specimen needs to be replaced by the final document to be signed during the transaction creation.

Note that when creating a transaction from a template, only the template_id parameter is required. All other parameters are optional, unless they are requested by the template creator.

Templates usage requirements:

  • If the template contains a specimen, the latter needs to be replaced by the final document when creating the transaction.
  • If the template contains an unknown participant, you need to set the requested information (email, full name and phone number) when creating the transaction.
  • If the template creator sets a duration, it will automatically apply to the created transaction. If s/he sets an expiration date, you need to set the expires_at parameter when creating the transaction.

Request a seal
Retrieve a template
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