Set minimum signature level

We currently support the following levels of signature:

  • Simple signature without authentication (level0),
  • Simple signature (level1),
  • Advanced signature with a certificate lcp (level2),
  • Advanced signature with a qualified certificate qcp (level3),
  • Qualified signature QCP-n-qscd (level4).

To sign a document with a simple signature, a signature certificate is not required from the participant.

To perform an advanced signature lcp (level2) however, the participant needs a certificate. If the participant does not own any, Universign will create one after a remote standard verification of the participant’s identity, directly within the transaction workflow.

To perform an advanced signature with a qualified certificate qcp (level3), the participant needs to go through a remote PVID verification of his/her identity, directly within the transaction workflow.

To perform a qualified signature QCP-n-qscd (level4), the participant needs to go through a remote PVID verification of his/her identity, directly within the transaction workflow and define a PIN code to be filled whenever s/he performs a qualified signature using the same certificate (thus, a two-factor authentication method is used with OTP and PIN code).

For more details about identity verification and certificate creation processes, visit Certificates.

Note that for level2, level3 and level4 signatures, you may request a certificate creation for your participant prior to requesting a signature. For more details, visit Request certificate creation.

The Level0 signature allows the participant to sign his/her documents without authentication by OTP.

Note that the Level0, level2 level3 and level4 signatures depend on your workspace entitlements.

When configuring your transaction, you can define the minimum signature level required for a participant. Universign will always try to upgrade the signature level if it is possible. For example, if you request a level1 signature for a participant who already owns a certificate, we will upgrade his signature for free. To set the minimum signature level for a participant, send a request to POST /v1/transactions/{transaction_id}/participants and pass the min_signature_level argument:

curl \
-d \
-d min_signature_level=level2

Note that the default value is level1.

Do not parameter authentication means if you request a level0 signature.

Set authentication means
Set reflection period
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